Squid Inc Theatre

     Our home is where the Theatre is

Squid Inc Theatre's Annual General Meeting will be held at 2pm Sunday, February 16th 2025 at 51 Dodgin Street Wynyard.

If you have not yet paid your annual membership fee, you can renew your membership at the AGM. (EFTPOS facilities will be available.)

The Club is about the real business of the modern Aussie Rules back-room boys – dirty business. It’s a simple plot about a once-successful footy Club that hasn’t won a premiership in nineteen years. Run by a wheeler-dealer, meat-pie manufacturing megalomaniac of a President who has never pulled on a boot and who interferes with the selection committee. The Club is having trouble with its expensive imported star, trying to get rid of its loyal, longtime coach and facing a strike from the rest of the team. Written in 1978 The Club is about the end of loyalty and the beginning of big business in football. It relates to any code or version of the game and is as relevant today as it was 47 years ago. In true Williamson style it uses its subject to probe the confrontations of Australian life. If you have ever been part of any organisation in which the will to win prevails and the trial of strength goes on in the Clubroom long after the players have left the field, then you will know the men of The Club. GAME ON!

Thanks to our 2025 sponsors -